This is an hour of need and solidarity for Action for Wildlife.

We are sharing this post from our facebook page and ask for your help and contribution.

For three weeks now we have been receiving up to hundreds of phone calls daily.

We overcome our personal limits trying to provide correct guidelines in every case, while tens of animals arrive in our centre daily in need of care. The volume of the work is overwhelming and the expenses to carry out the care of so many patients are extremely high.

We need volunteers who have worked with us in the past and are experienced, in order to care for the hundreds of animals that we are hosting.

We also need IV drips of various sizes, Hibitane scrub, a/d veterinary canned food, feed for insectivore birds, seeds for songbirds, paper towels, trash bags, and financial help as well.

Our IBAN is GR55 0172 2110 0052 1104 9919 564 PIRAEUS BANK

We would also like to ask for understanding from the people who ask for information on the animal they’ve brought. It truly is very difficult for us to manage the deluge of information and we might be slower in replying during this period, because of the massive workload on our shoulders.

In the photo you can see some orphan baby sparrows that were brought to us. They are growing up and have been put in a rehabilitation program to learn how to survive on their own, since they don’t have parents to teach them how to do that.

Act with us!